I saw a chat between my husband and his elder sister

I saw a chat between my husband and his elder sister. I gave birth last month and my mum came for omugwo. My husband in their chat was telling his sister that since my mother came, our house aroma changed. That my mum has thick body odour

that he is feeling for our son that my mother do bath and carry him around the house and he can’t wait for her to leave. So his sister laughed and said what does he expect from a village woman. He told her that he doesn’t like getting close to my mum

that he talks to her from a distance. I am very angry at my husband and that he talks to her from a distance. I am very angry at my husband and I want to confront him. What should I do?

that he talks to her from a distance. I am very angry at my husband and I want to confront him. What should I do





2 thoughts on “I saw a chat between my husband and his elder sister”

  1. The observation is not a disease rather you can simply use style and shame your husband by getting your mum a good deodorant or body spray that will change the narrative, no need to confront him so as to avoid issue between the two of you and that might even extend.

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