A Study on Abandoned Buildings and Uncompleted Houses as Hideouts for Criminal Activities within the Igbe community

A Study on Abandoned Buildings and Uncompleted Houses as Hideouts for Criminal Activities within the Igbe community

Introduction: Igbe is a Town under Igbogbo Local Government bounded by Ijede LCD


A  via a swampy water channel. The locality is a developing suburb with building structures of


varied designs springing up all through the quiet landscape. The area is devoid of good

 road network and most areas within the geo-space is endowed with unrestricted passages thereby making most areas vulnerable to suspected movements of threat. The area is

 mostly devoid of governmental impact as many of th

e infrastructures found therein are self-help projects ranging from road palliatives such as grading, gutter digging, refuse burning, and boreholes for water, procurement of electricity transformers, community electrification, and security and so on.

The little gains witnessed are conscientious efforts by the fourth-tier of government, the Community Development Associations (CDA) who from time-to-time coordinated the self-development activities within their fragmented boundaries and sometimes collaborating with other CDAs. Most of these communities are been plagued by rampant criminal activities in recent years due

to many factors but for the purpose of this report shall focus on uncompleted and abandoned buildings.

Many abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses in the area have become havens for criminals to carry out illegal operations. This report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation and suggest possible solutions to address this growing concern.

Background: The issue of abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses being used as hideouts for criminals is not unique to Igbe but has become particularly prevalent in this area. These structures provide the perfect cover for criminal activities such as drug trafficking, prostitution, rape, human trafficking, and robbery. The lack of security measures in place to monitor and secure these properties has made it easy for criminals to operate without fear of being caught.

Scope of the Problem: The proliferation of aband

oned buildings and uncompleted houses serving as hideouts for criminals poses a significant threat to the safety and security of residents. Many of these structures are located off the major streets deep into the residential neighborhoods, putting the local community at risk. The continued presence of criminal elements in these buildings has also contributed to the rise in crime rates in the area.

Impact on the Community: The presence of criminal activities in abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses has a detrimental effect on the community at large. Residents live in palpable fear of being targeted by criminals, businesses suffer from decreased foot tra

ffic, and property values in the area is declining due to incessant burglar activities of criminal elements carting away household items, money, destroying buildings, and breaking into businesses i.e. shops to cart-off goods and rob unsuspecting individuals at gun point. Additionally, the reputation of Igbe as a safe and peaceful neighborhood is being tarnished and affecting economic development in the area.

Recommendations: To address the issue of abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses being used as hideouts for criminals in Igbe, the following recom

mendations are proposed:

  1. Documentation: Documenting abandoned and unoccupied buildings and engaging owners.
  2. Increased Security: Law enforcement agencies should step up their efforts to patrol and monitor abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses in the area to deter criminal activities.
  3. Property Owners’ Responsibility: Property owners should be held accountable for securing their abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses to prevent them from being used as hideouts for criminals.
  4. Community Engagement: Residents should be encouraged to report any suspicious activities in their neighborhoods and work together with law enforcement to address the issue of abandoned buildings serving as hideouts for criminals. S
    ynergy should also be established with the local chiefs (Baales) and the government agencies at the grassroots level eg the LCDA.
  5. Rehabilitation and Redevelopment: Efforts should be made to rehabilitate and redevelop abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses to prevent them from becoming magnets for criminal activities.

Conclusion: The issue of abandoned buildings and uncompleted houses serving as enclave for criminals in within the community requires urgent attention and


concerted efforts from all stakeholders involved. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this report, we can work towards creating a safer and more secure environment for the residents of Igbe and prevent the proliferation of criminal activities in the area.


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