Aboki Uses Snapper as preservative for stock fish


The king of things that happen in Nigeria these days is so scary emmagine what this person said he saw at Oyingbo in Lagos.”I almost died the day before yesterday after eating a big piece of stockfish. It was a very serious case of food poisoning that knocked me unconscious for several hours from about 6.30pm – ten minutes after eating the stockfish. I regained consciousness at 3am. Anyone who tried to reach me on phone must have noticed I was offline, and there were lots of missed calls from associates. So, people can just die so easily after a meal?
I will never ever forget the near death experience, nor would I take stockfish again. I intend to publish and forward this experience to the relevant government agencies so as to take necessary measures to save lives of innocent persons in Nigeria. Many people are dying from cardiac Arrest known as sudden death without knowing the original cause of death. Especially for those that have underlying conditions but whose death was triggered by poison. Sniper.
By coincidence or Grace of God, there was a release of a video interview with a Stockfish seller in the famous Oyingbo market in Lagos State. The Stickfish seller of Northern Extraction confessed with their usual arrogance and disregard of the law that he uses Sniper to protect his stockfish from insects and further confirmed that Sniper is used on all dried fish in Nigeria today!!!!!!! They also use it on beans and other grains to prevent insect infestation.
I experienced food poisoning eating head of stockfish in a restaurant in Abuja as well. However, this experience recently was deadly. The middle part of the stockfish must have soaked a generous quantity of the Sniper to cause such a violent seizure, diarrhoea and loss of consciousness.
We therefore warn Nigerians to be careful of eating Stockfish or dried fish products. The government should deploy sanitation, health officials to the markets and arrest, prosecute any trader found in possession of Sniper. We need to protect the lives of the unsuspecting innocent people.
One observation is that when the Ibos were selling stockfish, they were not poisoning the Fish. The Hausas are not interested in the effect of Sniper on human lives but more concerned with protecting their goods from insect infestation. The importance and value placed on human lives by each tribe says a lot on how we should consider this situation.
We advise those who have been eating dry fish and Stockfish to embark on a detox programme immediately to rid & cleanse their system of any residue of slow systematic poisoning from the products sold in the markets all over Nigeria.
May God continue to expose these evil merchants and protect us all from their evil deeds out of ignorance or intentional.
The government needs to act immediately and prosecute some scapegoats to serve as a deterrent to others. We recommend a sentence which will stop this use of poison on foodstuff. Anywhere else in the world, consumer protection is critical.
Dr. Fraser. MFR.


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