Banana Phase 1: Turning the Impossible into Reality

Banana Estate Phase 1 Plank Link to Ijede
Baana Estate Pnase 1 link road in Igbe

 For a town to be attractive for people to decide to come reside in it, the town should have if not all of the followings good roads within and access to other good road, Peaceful environment, constant supply of electricity, nearness to the Jetty, most of this things are withing or in view for Igbe and most towns in the area that igbe feel to on the map. Because of the availability of electricity due to the nearness to the Egbin power generating company. Already the entrance and exit into the town are the present one tat takes you to Ijede police statiion and also takes to the Lagos lagoon in Ijede that combines a Jetty with it.The road from Igbogbo to Oreyo takes you to another bigger Ikorodu port at Ipakodo not forgetting the one that takes you to Ikorodu by Oreyo into Igbe road towards the Barracks leds you to Ita-elewa in Ikorodu. The main road that cuts Igbe into two takes you to Ginti where you can proceed to Imota and back to Itamaga where the second Gate of the Lagos State University of Technology is situated. Igbe is well centered in the middle of roads that leads to other towns in Nigeria.all the borders of Igbe are swampy lands of the Lagos lagoon. As a developing community that holds aligiance to Igbogbo Kingdom headed by his Royal Majesty, Oba Abdulsemiu Orimadegun Kasali the Oba of Igbogbo Kingdom who appointed several Baales from different families to head their various villages that have now turned into bigger towns. Igbogbo is in Igbogbo Baiyeku LCDA in Ikorodu Division of Lagos State Nigeria. In Igbe alone there are over 30 Community Development Associations. Because of the high number they were upgraded into a zone by the LCDA.  The town is bordered by Elepe, Alagemo, Eruwen, Ijede and finally Bagidan. Because of neglect from the government in power the people living in Igbe have decided to do almost all social amenities by themselves, the main roads are inner roads are one of the major problem that are pulling Igbe back. The swampy borders too if well managed will make accessibility into more bigger roads possible. Banana Estate is one the biggest community in Igbe but because of the eagerness of some to grow faster they believed that there is the possibility of linking their almost enclosed space to a bigger community that has a secondary school, various Primary school, an health centers bigger opportunity of getting to more developed cities on the Island, places like Ajah, Obadore, Lekki which had several  opportunities like the biggest of several Industries e.g Dangote Refineries, the lekki Free port, the emerging Lekki Airport. After several attempt a foot plank crossing is now becoming more possible for vehicles to pass trough in the break away CDA of Banana Estae Phase 1.

Because of the plank crossing the properties in this part of igbe are now hot cakes to people that lives in far away places that are crossing the Lagos lagoon by boats and are settling down in the mother Banana CDA now headed by Comrade Sunday Etsu or Banana Phase 1 that now has Mr Keshinro as its new Chairman and other CDAs that are close to the Plank crossing that half your travelling time and expenses not minding anywhere you are going to in Lagos and Nigeria. The people that made it happened are the courageous people of banana Estate Phase 1, during the time we were gathering this write up we asked the people living close to this plank link road the advantage they derived in using the road. Mr Sina known by most as baba Segun who heads the people that collects toll of 50 naira from everyone that passes through the link road, he has an arrangement with the CDA which he delivers to every week and the proceed is used to maintain the link road in buying red sand, buying Planks almost on a monthly basis and then draining the the water by digging a drainage on two sides of the road that goes through the swamp to the planks that takes you to Sharp corner in Oke eletu side of Ijede. The former Chairman of Ijede LCDA Hon. Fatiu and the Chief Imam of Banana Estate Central mosque Ustas Sharafadeen sowed the seed that germinated through the persistence of people like Ahl. Sarafadeen, Mr Adewale the Inaugural Chairman of Banana Phase 1 CDA and several others with determinations, focus and support of the people when Igbe news asked the community to speak on how far they’ve gone and what challenges they faced so far on the Project here is one response from Pastor Johnson, Popularly known as Check and Pay in the community,  he appreciated Igbe news  for our concern concerning Banana estate Phase 1 link road. he talked about the Challenges that they facced and are still facing  to make the road motor-able and since its  a very important link road.



3. HUMAN CHALLENGES MILLIONS HAS BEEN SPENT THROUGH CDA BANANA EST PHASE 1 COMMUNITY effort to overcome all these challenges we need State government, Local government. All the neighboring CDA and Individual support to overcome all these challenges because its a capital intensive project. The bridge need to be constructed, need to expand the road, Electrification of the road for security purpose etc.The road is useful to almost 30 CDA. We are using these medium to call on Lagos state government, most especially IGBOGBO AND IJEDE LCDA for there timely support because the road link the 2 LCDA, We will also appreciate all the well wisher for there support.


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Banana Estate Phase 1 Plank Link to Ijede

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