Celebrating Prince Ismail Wasiu Alaba:

A Pillar of Leadership

and Service in

Igbogbo Baiyeku


by Awoko


In  Igbogbo Baiyeku LCDA, there exists a figure whose name resonates with respect, leadership, and unwavering dedication to service. Prince Ismail Wasiu Alaba, a man of many titles and accomplishments, stands as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.

He is a son of the soil, Prince Ismail’s journey to prominence began with his pursuit of education, culminating in a degree in Business Administration. However, his aspirations transcended mere academic achievements as he went into various spheres of community governance, religious leadership, and youth Leadership.

At the helm of numerous organizations, Prince Ismail has left an indelible mark on his community. Serving as the 1st Vice Chairman of Banana Estate CDA, Secretary of the Council of Baale, and the present Seriki Adini of Igbe Central Mosque, his influence spans far and wide, touching the lives of many.

One cannot overlook his extensive involvement in youth leadership, where he has held prestigious positions such as APC Youth Leader in Igbogbo, Former Youth President of Nasfat Igbogbo, and Branch Chairman of Nasfat Igbogbo. His commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders is evident in his tenure as the State Coordinator of Rotaract Club in Kwara State, among other notable roles.

Beyond his local community, Prince Ismail’s impact reverberates across boundaries. His service as a former Vice President of the National Union of Lagos State Students and NYSC corps Liaison Officer in Kaduna State earned him recognition and accolades from various quarters.

Sitting down with Prince Wasiu was quit an interesting experience as he is called by different people either for consultation or to seek for permission.

The most common reply he gives to people is ‘”E ma Binu” which in English means please don’t be annoy, although there was a time he stood firmly on a certain matter, where he insisted that the first order given by a certain elder must be followed to the later even if some people felt offended but still ended it with E ma Binu.

The rich calls him, the Baales seek advice from him, he talks with the kings and Chiefs, with all these he still remains his humble self

Moreover, Prince Ismail’s character and integrity have garnered him widespread admiration, as echoed by esteemed figures like Sheik Lookmon Abdulrasak (Al-mubaraq), who singled him out for praise during a recent Islamic installation ceremony where the former Chairman of Banana Estate, former Comrade now Chief Taofeek Badmus was installed as the Otun Mogaji of Igbe Central Mosque.

In addition to his illustrious career in public service, Prince Ismail finds fulfillment in his family life, being married to Princess Halimah Ismail (Nee Durosimi), and blessed with many lovely children.

As we celebrate Prince Ismail Wasiu Alaba, let us not only recognize his achievements but also reflect on the values he embodies – selflessness, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. In a world where true leaders are scarce, he stands as a shining example of what it means to serve with humility and honor.


Wishing You

A Happy  Birthday

your Dear Friend

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