Dealing with Difficult Friends: A Teen’s Perspective

Hey everyone,
Have you ever had that one friend who just seems to push all the wrong buttons? You know, the kind of friend who always seems to be causing trouble or getting on your nerves? Well, I’ve definitely been there, and I know how frustrating it can be.
Take my friend, for example. He’s always doing things that make me angry, like snatching things from my hand without asking or making fun of other people’s clothes and shoes. It’s embarrassing, especially since his parents have no idea what he’s like at school.
But what really gets me is his attitude outside of school. Instead of behaving like a responsible person, he’ll fly out his shirt as soon as we leave the gates, acting like he owns the place. And if he gets into a fight, he’ll talk big and say we should settle it outside after school, but when the time comes, he backs down.
Honestly, dealing with him can be so difficult, I’ve learned to keep my distance and only talk to him when necessary. I’ve even prayed for him to change, but so far, no luck.
I know I’m not the only one dealing with a difficult friend, so if you’re going through something similar, just know that you’re not alone. Sometimes all we can do is hope and wait for things to get better.
Let my have your own experience with friends like this, since I know you have one too
Hang in there,
‘Dieko Adetu

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