Etsu Sunday Oyarebu: Fostering Progress and Unity in Banana Estate

Nestled within the vibrant community of Igbogbo Baiyeku LCDA, Banana Estate thrives under the guidance of Mr. Etsu Sunday Oyarebu, the esteemed Chairman of the Banana Estate Community Development Association (CDA). Revered for his unwavering dedication and integrity, Mr. Oyarebu has earned the respect and admiration of all who know him. Under his visionary leadership, Banana Estate has emerged as a beacon of community development and solidarity. Collaborating with past executives, Mr. Oyarebu’s tireless pursuit of excellence has propelled Banana Estate to remarkable achievements, positioning it as a paragon of progress within Igbogbo Baiyeku LCDA. The Banana Estate CDA proudly showcases a plethora of ongoing projects, each a testament to Mr. Oyarebu’s transformative leadership and the collective spirit of the community. From the construction of vital infrastructure like the community hall to the establishment of essential services such as the ongoing community clinic, every endeavor reflects the united efforts and unwavering determination of the residents, inspired by Mr. Oyarebu’s visionary guidance. Furthermore, the community’s commitment to education and safety is evident through the allocation of land for a future secondary school and police station, demonstrating Banana Estate’s proactive stance in addressing evolving needs and ensuring a prosperous future for generations to come. Notably, the invaluable support of Baale Paul from the Dehinde family, a respected figure within the community, has been instrumental in facilitating these advancements by readily offering land for community projects. Beyond his role as a community leader, Mr. Etsu Sunday Oyarebu serves as a stalwart of financial stewardship within the broader Igbe joint CDA, holding the esteemed position of Treasurer. His unwavering commitment to fiscal responsibility ensures the sustainable progress of community initiatives and projects, even amid challenges in securing financial support from some CDAs. Despite these obstacles, Mr. Oyarebu’s resolute determination has propelled the Igbe Ginti Joint CDA towards unprecedented prosperity, a testament to his leadership and the collective resolve of the community. As the fruition of their efforts draws near, Mr. Oyarebu expresses profound gratitude for the transformation of once-challenging roads into seamlessly traversable pathways, symbolizing the tangible impact of leadership on enhancing the quality of life for all residents. In addition to his exemplary community service, Mr. Etsu Sunday Oyarebu is a distinguished farmer and prominent equipment engineer, embodying the values of hard work and innovation that define Banana Estate’s ethos. Yet, beyond his professional endeavors, Mr. Oyarebu finds fulfillment in his role as a devoted husband and father, embodying the values of family and community that lie at the heart of Banana Estate’s success story. In essence, Mr. Etsu Sunday Oyarebu’s indomitable spirit, unwavering dedication, and visionary leadership have not only transformed Banana Estate but have also set a shining example for communities far and wide, reaffirming the profound impact of one individual’s commitment to the greater good.

2 thoughts on “Etsu Sunday Oyarebu: Fostering Progress and Unity in Banana Estate”

  1. Comrade Isaac Faniyi

    Sunday Etsu is a good team player, responsible and progressive minded community developer…

    Comrade Isaac Faniyi
    Chairman, Pz Cussons Coop Estate/Igbe Joint CDA.

  2. Comrade Isaac Faniyi

    Sunday Etsu is a good team player, responsible and progressive minded community developer…

    Comrade Isaac Faniyi
    Chairman, Pz Cussons Coop Estate CDA/Igbe Joint CDA.

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