I learned of Baba Mase’s scattered children

As i embarked on the journey to Iya Dolapo’s bar on the second day to meet baba Mase, the weight of Baba Mase’s words hung heavy in mu mind. The scarcity of fuel had not eased, and navigating the streets had become increasingly hard. Yet, the prospect of meeting Baba Mase once more, to delve deeper into the wisdom he imparted, spurred the me onward. Arriving at the bar, the i found Baba Mase already seated in his usual spot, a lone figure amidst the bustling crowd. Iya Bolaji’s daughter, with her striking beauty, momentarily distracted me, but Baba Mase’s gentle reminder brought me back to reality. The elder’s words resonated deeply within the as he spoke of the complexities of relationships and the sacrifices demanded of men. Baba Mase’s insight into the nature of women, particularly the transformation they undergo upon becoming mothers, struck a chord with the me, challenging my preconceived notions of love and devotion. As Baba Mase delved further into the dynamics of marriage and family, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. The realization that men were often seen as mere providers, their efforts and sacrifices overlooked in favor of familial obligations, weighed heavily on him. I listened intently as Baba Mase recounted his own experiences, the regrets that lingered from sacrificing his own aspirations for the sake of others. The elder’s admission of estrangement from his wife and the solitude he now faced served as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of neglecting one’s own needs. As the night progressed and the drinks flowed, Baba Mase’s warnings about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption struck a chord with the me. The realization that he needed to prioritize his health and well-being, lest I suffer the same fate as Baba Mase, dawned upon me. As the conversation turned to family, I learned of Baba Mase’s scattered children, each residing in different parts of the country or abroad. The elder’s revelation of his wife’s absence from his life for the past two years all in the name of taking care of her Grandchildren, served as a sobering reminder of the fragility of relationships. Leaving the bar that night, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me. Baba Mase’s words had sparked a newfound awareness within me, a realization of the need to reassess my priorities and make changes to avoid the same fate as the elder. As I navigated the darkened streets of Laara, I resolved to heed Baba Mase’s warnings, to carve out a life defined by my own desires and aspirations like tat Desire Oparanose. For in the elder’s tale lay a cautionary lesson, a reminder of the dangers of sacrificing one’s own happiness for the sake of others. And as the I disappeared into the night, the echoes of Baba Mase’s wisdom followed me, a guiding light in the darkness of uncertainty.   To be continue tomorrow

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