HOS AND HERITAGE CDA Know your neighbor

Newly installed transformer at Orita Marun
Newly Installed Transformer to serve HOS CDA at Orita Marun on Community road

On a rainy day in Igbe town, I was standing along Community Road, observing the predictable movement of water within our community. The flow which mostly originated from Elepe, passing through Uncle Bayus group of Schools, crossing Igbe Ginti Road into Ewu Oliwo, Unilag Estate, Leadway Efulawon, Heritage, and finally reaching HOS CDA where it connected with Community Road before continuing its journey through Banana, Mercyland Estate, and Satellite, Godstime, Equitable, eventually emptying into the Afa river.

As a nonconformist, akin to Robert Ludlum, I’ve come to understand that the most dangerous individual to any establishment is one who thinks independently, not scared by prevailing superstitions and taboos. Trust, I’ve come  to  know, should be earned cautiously, similar to this, i would have consumed a significant amount of salt with someone before i start trusting you.

It was on this day that I first encountered Emmy (not real name). I spotted him carrying what appeared to be a 2.9kva generator in a bagco bag. My instincts immediately turned into suspicion, prompting me to follow him at a distance of roughly 20 meters. Along the way, I enlisted the help of others, forming a small group of four individuals, since we will need to  confront him.

Eventually, we intercepted Emmy on the longest road in HOS CDA. Questioning the contents of his bag, which he said  was a generator, citing that his previous one had been stolen after relocating to igbe town. However, our skepticism lingered, particularly regarding the necessity of carrying it in the rain and in a bag.

Pressing further, we inquired about his address, to which he is still ignorant of. As he described his house, we urged him to contact someone familiar with his residence. Fortunately, his caretaker he reached to happened to be a well-known person in Heritage Estate. Upon confirming the theft of his belongings, we reluctantly released Emmy, satisfied with the fact provided by the woman.

This incident transpired in the previous year, 2023. In between this incident, there have been series of stealing and all types stealing either in Banana, Heritage, HOS and other nearby communities that have gone with nothing been done to unraveled them. A prominent one was done same day where Engineer Jimbo’s car was vandalised on community road, same day a jeep belonging to another person had its drivers side glass broken.

Fast forward to April 2024, a tip-off reached us through one of our street informants alleging that an individual had been apprehended by the police in Heritage and HOS CDA. The report claimed that generators and vehicle batteries were found in his apartment, with additional details mentioning the recent arrival of a newborn.

In Igbe news, any tip off we considered as news, prompting us to delve deeper by seeking information from more people in the community. Suddenly, an unexpected revelation emerged: the arrested individual was none other than the man we had stopped with a generator in a bag the previous year.

This unexpected connection added a layer of significance to our previous encounter, highlighting the importance of more vigilancy and community cooperation in addressing potential threats in our society.

Life has been a challenging journey for many Nigerians, and Emmy recently secured a new apartment in Igbe—a modest two-bedroom flat situated at the farthest end of the Head of Service Cooperative CDA , previously part of Banana Estate. However, their transition to the new dwelling was marred by what seems like  a misfortune.

Shortly after settling in, their home was burgled despite the main gate remaining untouched and the locks intact. Their newly acquired generator and 2.5-split air conditioner were among the stolen items. To compound matters, Emmy’s wife had just given birth, adding to the pain on their already burdened shoulders.

In a cruel twist of fate, rather than finding solace in their new surroundings, Emmy faced an accusation of fraud from his office boss. Accompanied by a handful of plain clothed policemen, the boss stormed into Emmy’s residence and proceeded to confiscate some of his belongings, including a generator. This act of seizure led to rumors circulating, misconstruing the situation, with some alleging the presence of multiple generators and numerous vehicle batteries.

Upon hearing the disturbing news, we immediately sought answers from the woman whom Emmy had previously called. our Initial questions  met with reluctance, we maintained our composure, recognizing the importance of patience in our pursuit of truth. Sensing her discomfort, we tactfully withdrew to allow her space, anticipating her next actions.

To deepen our investigation, we expanded our inquiries to individuals in the area known for their awareness of local matters. Through this process, we uncovered unsettling revelations about the new house Emmy and his wife had moved into. 

Despite residing in same compound, tenants remained oblivious to his occupation, fueling suspicions surrounding his activities.

One tenant recounted a baffling encounter involving the disappearance of their generator from within their well-fenced compound, only to reappear outside the gate in the early hours (3:00AM) of the morning. The presence of one tall individual, standing by his car, raised further questions. His explanation of encountering unknown assailants, 

Additional testimony from a nearby Islamic scholar attested to a disturbances, with an individuals fleeing into houses under  the cover of darkness at an odd hour of the morning.



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Newly installed transformer at Orita Marun

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