In the quiet suburb of Ikorodu, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, there resided a figure shrouded in mystery – Baba Mase. He lived in a modest two-bedroom apartment, tucked away in the Babana Estate. For those who passed by him regularly, he was an enigma, a solitary figure with a story hidden beneath the surface.

I had often glimpsed Baba Mase on my evening strolls, his solitary figure carrying a shopping bag as he ventured out to procure his evening meal. Despite my curiosity, the details of his life remained elusive. Rumors circulated among the locals, whispers of a wife who had journeyed to the North to care for their grandchildren, leaving Baba alone in his twilight years.

It wasn’t until a cold, rain-soaked evening that fate intervened, leading me to an unexpected encounter with Baba Mase. The clock struck 7:00 PM as I made my way to the familiar haunt of Iya Dolapo bar, a cozy spot where friends gathered to unwind after a long day. And there, seated at a table, was Baba Mase, a solitary figure amidst the chatter and laughter.

As I settled into a nearby chair, I couldn’t help but observe Baba Mase’s demeanor. Unlike the usual patrons, he eschewed the allure of alcohol, opting instead for a simple plate of meat pepper soup and a glass of water. Arsenal versus Chelsea played out on the television screen, but Baba seemed more interested in the unfolding scene before him.

With a sense of intrigue mingled with curiosity, I ordered my customary beer and immersed myself in the ambiance of the bar. But Baba Mase’s gaze did not escape me; he watched with a discerning eye as I indulged in the comforts of my chosen drink.

It wasn’t long before I found myself ordering my third bottle of beer, oblivious to the scrutiny of Baba Mase. Yet, when Iya Bolaji approached our table with the familiar offering, Baba intervened with a quiet authority. In a moment that caught me off guard, he insisted on substituting my beer with water and a hearty plate of pepper soup.

As I watched the exchange, I couldn’t help but wonder about the motivations behind Baba Mase’s actions. It was then that he began to unravel the layers of his story, revealing a life marked by sacrifice and resilience.

Baba Mase spoke of a lifetime of hard work, of striving to provide for his family’s needs and aspirations. He recounted tales of humble beginnings, of starting from the bottom and ascending to the pinnacle of his profession. And yet, despite his accomplishments, there lingered a sense of solitude, a quiet acceptance of the path he had chosen.

With each word, Baba Mase painted a portrait of a life shaped by love and duty, of a man who had dedicated himself to the well-being of his loved ones. And as I listened, I couldn’t help but feel a newfound respect for the enigmatic figure before me.

In Baba Mase, I saw more than just a solitary old man; I saw a testament to the enduring power of love and family. We talked and never knew tat the time has gone to as far as 10:00pm, i was the one that told him that its late already. He gave his phone to me, i was amazed that Baba phone is of a recent released by samsung, He said he just ordered it on and it was delivered to him by a dispatch rider just some weeks back. And as I left the confines of Iya Dolapo bar that evening, I carried with me a newfound appreciation for the complexities of human experience, and the untold stories that lie hidden beneath the surface.

To be continue tomorrow


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