heavy rainfall in Lagos

Olusesan Daini-
Igbogbo Baiyeku LCDA Chairman

The heavy rainfall in Lagos State can be attributed to several factors:

1. Location and Climate: Lagos State is situated in a tropical climate zone, close to the equator. This location generally receives heavy rainfall due to the convergence of moist air masses from the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea.

2. Monsoon Influence: The region experiences the West African Monsoon, which brings a distinct wet season characterized by heavy rainfall from April to October.

3. Topography: Lagos has a low-lying topography, which can enhance rainfall intensity. Low-lying areas can sometimes trap moisture-laden air, leading to localized heavy downpours.

4. Urbanization Effects Urban areas like Lagos can experience an intensification of rainfall due to the urban heat island effect. This phenomenon can lead to increased convection and cloud development, resulting in heavier rainfall in and around the city.

5. Climate Change While specific attribution to climate change requires detailed analysis, global climate change can influence weather patterns and potentially contribute to changes in rainfall intensity.

These factors combined contribute to the heavy rainfall patterns observed in Lagos State.

Since immemorial Lagos residents don’t like it when it rains, we sampled what the residents of Lagos state said as the raining season is now with us already, since two days it days been rainning in some places.

In some places in Lagos the raining season are Scarry season for them as all their roads are in bad state. Igbe town a town in the Igbogbo Baiyeku LCDA of Ikorodu  for example have never had it good as the major road that connects the town of about 100,000 people to the outside world have remained abandoned since about 3 years and all pleads to the state government led by Governor Sanwo olu always falls flat.

The Local Government also has not been forthcoming as it had always been lies upon lies. If the people are asked of the name of the Local government Chairman only few can tell you his name, the Chairman will even score more popularity than the  wards Councillors that are supposed to be known among  the people in most communities.

In a town of 100,000 it would be a thing of joy if 5,000 can yell you the name the councillor representing


Once rain falls in this Lagos na to just sit sown for house! Two apps that are very important for Lagosians especially are the weather app and google map app, if you know how to use them then you can never go wrong

@zanzee_zee : Rain is a blessing but omo rain in Lagos is not a blessing ooo😫😫😫😫



Learning how to drive in Lagos is something else! Lol

Drove (practicing my driving) my car for the first time today and heavy rain started falling midway.

Everything was going fine until it was time to drive in my compound.



@ Bammy138: Most of this commercial drivers in Lagos state need to be taken to yaba left for examination. they will internationally provoke someone, they find it difficult to give someone balance & even be talking rubbish inside this rain..very annoying set of human beings.

@Talk2MisPowers: The Rain falling in Lagos is not a small something o

@_Dragz: Once rain falls in this Lagos, tfare price go wan finish you

@Love_ibanga: I really dislike being drenched by the rain because if I do not manage it properly, I will fall ill in couple of days and may have rashes on my skin😪
Btw the flood in Lagos can drown anyone who’s not careful
Ok I’m wailing cos of the shege I saw today because of this rain that couldn’t wait till night😏

@sheisronke: Lagos and rain 🌧
I spent one week in Osun and it didn’t rain more than once till I left.

@faree_for_real: This rain in Lagos is becoming so annoying

From all the response from people its so glaring that people in Lagos do not like rain






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