The Southwest is Rich in Gas and Oil

We have 3 states in SW rich in gas, yet not a single gas processing plant.

Partly a national problem and partly a sub national problem.

National problem:- Exploration in the SW has been somewhat slow. Ogun is part of OPLs 302,303, 306 and 307 before independence yet was never designated a frontier basin until last week, Not even when Obasanjo was president, anyways Thanks to PBAT. Ogun has gotten their rightful frontier basin status. The ramifications is that next to zero exploration has been done in Ogun state despite huge prospect.

For Ondo and Lagos state, very little exploration has been done, there has been little oil field development.
Ondo boost of current reserves of  4 billion barrels, 53 % of Nigeria total reserves yet supplies only 60,000 barrels a day ( 0.26 % oil of total production), no development on its offshore( deep water and shallow water assets), we can’t even fully it’s associated and non associated gas.
Lagos state based on little exploration boast of 600 billion cubic feet of gas reserves, yet there has been little development.

So while you may want to blame the governors , one might just consider it as a systemic national problem.

The vast majority of SW offshore assets have been neither explored nor developed.




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