things my friends do

My name is Fagunwa Oreoluwa, I attend DEBOLD group of school. I have a lot of friends, they are very wonderful and cool
They are nice in school but when they get outside they behave in a rascal way. They respect everyone in school but when they get outside they disrespect anyone they come across. They admit their mistakes and wrongs in school but when they get outside they will never admit their mistakes. They always maintain their lane in school so they won’t get into trouble but when they are outside they always get into trouble. In some cases, they are cool

In school there

west african school boy in uniform.

are lot of thing my friends do that I don’t like for example my friend like abusing each others like saying “iya e” which is a sign of disrespect. One of the thing my friend doesn’t like is that he does not like people abusing his parent. Those are the things he like and don’t like

There a lot of things my friends do in school but they don’t do outside e.g They play very roughly but when they get home becomes gentle, so their parents think they are serious students others won’t read before the day of exam when it is now die minutes they will now start reading, some will fly out their shirts after closing if they are almost home they will quickly turn in their shirts so their parents will think that they are neat. They abuse themselves in school and at home they pretend not to abuse,
They greet their teachers in school but at home they don’t greet people, They dress abnormal in school but at home they don’t at home That are the things I know about them that they in school and don’t do at home


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